Interfaith Book Trail

Embark on an enriching interfaith journey through hands-on activities that promote unity and celebrate the diversity of people and their faith traditions.

What Are Book Trails?

Interfaith Book Trail is a program for children (K-5th Grade) to introduce them to faiths other than their own.  Through visits to different houses of worship, storytelling, activities, and sharing, students make friends from neighboring faith communities and learn about one another’s traditions.

Each session includes:

  • A story from the host faith community
  • Snack time
  • Art activity
  • Reflection on the five Passport to Understanding practices: Be Curious, Welcome In, Venture Out, Stand Tall, and Stand With.
  • Past Participant
    Great examples of facilitation throughout the whole day and the prompts allowed us to go deep pretty quickly. I also appreciated the real world scenario examples
    Past Participant
  • Past Participant
    This program has been offered in corporate, educational, and government settings in such industries as law, healthcare, professional organizations, and religious institutions. It can be customized for both adult and youth settings.
    Past Participant
  • Alex Johnson, Community Leader
    Attending the Navigating Difficult Conversations workshop was transformative. I now approach every challenging dialogue with empathy and confidence, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for deeper connection and understanding.
    Alex Johnson, Community Leader
  • Past Participant
    I was deeply moved by the 'living library' participants who exhibited ways that their faith is integrated into the wholeness of their lives and not just "checked at the door.
    Past Participant
  • Sahir Muhammad, WTW Alum
    Not only did I learn and experience things that I have not been exposed to before, but I have also made new friendships with people of many diverse backgrounds, which will hopefully last a lifetime. I was very ignorant about other people’s religions because my mindset thought “who cares, as long as I follow my own religion, I’m good.” Walking the Walk changed that closed mindset and taught me to embrace all world religions.
    Sahir Muhammad, WTW Alum
  • Dillon Hershey, WTW Alum
    I think that it is so important that we are learning about other cultures and faiths because it forms who we are as we grow up and it pushes us to recognize that everyone is human.
    Dillon Hershey, WTW Alum
  • Mosaic Summer Program Facilitator
    The Mosaic program incorporates the Passport to Understanding curriculum to introduce middle school students to interfaith interaction. Each day, we explored one of the Passport themes: Welcome In, Stand Tall, Stand With, Be Curious, and Venture Out.
    Mosaic Summer Program Facilitator
  • This program currently serves Southern Delaware County and Montgomery County. Bring an Interfaith Book Trail to your community!
  • Messiah College Student Participant
    This was an eye-opening trip for me. I had to step outside of my comfort zone on multiple occasions, but when I did, it was so rewarding.
    Messiah College Student Participant
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non nisl efficitur, ornare est ut, mollis metus. Pellentesque vulputate aliquet diam, et sodales erat molestie ac. Sed feugiat ligula vitae gravida tincidunt. Quisque fringilla facilisis posuere. Phasellus venenatis imperdiet enim eu elementum. Etiam rutrum leo eu dignissim imperdiet. Donec eu tortor vel ante convallis egestas ac sed nulla. In id imperdiet ligula. Vestibulum eget ultricies leo. Curabitur quis tempor odio, ac vulputate nunc. Sed euismod sapien faucibus urna porta feugiat. Sed non fermentum nunc, in placerat purus. Ut at sapien libero. Donec congue erat et libero ultrices efficitur.

Contact Us

Elexus Freeman-Filmore

Youth Programs Manager

Tell us more about your needs by completing our intake form.

A team member will reach out to you within two business days to set up a time to talk or meet.